Thursday, December 16, 2010


i've decided to add a TILT posting from now on. in case you didn't know, TILT means "things i love thursday!"  so lets do this!

text messaging!  this a pic of my phone (not my exact phone, but the model i use).  now you can all see what i go through to text you, just kidding.  its pretty great (when the phone works).

anyway, i love nothing more to see my phone blinking with news of messages.  i hate talking on the phone, so i stick texting.  luckily nowadays with everyone having unlimited texting and super fancy phones, we can have actual full-on conversations.  nothing annoys me more than trying to read a message from someone that is abbreviated and in nothing but "text lingo". 

cute puppy pictures.

that i strategically save and post to facebook, while tagging my partner in crime so he gets the hint that i want need a puppy in my life.  

an outrageously cute one at that.  like <<<< this one.

this adorable ewok looking puppy. >>>>

and of course, this guy.  who i can't take full credit for, because the partner in crime saved this one himself!

the new bruno mars cd - all i'm going to say is listen to it!!!!!!

and other things i love that i don't feel like posting pictures of:  chapstick (especially burt bees! love the burn hehe), delivery pizza, astro pop shots (i drank a few of these on my birthday haha amazing!) and pho!!!!!! always love pho.  which would be excellent right

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