Monday, November 1, 2010

sweet november

well it appears as though we've entered into november slightly ill, but i'm sure I. will be just fine.  it appears as though he's got a slight case of pink eye but luckily we still had antibiotic eye drops on hand.  so we've been hanging out in our jammies all day, watching movies (addams family!).

halloween was a success for iain.  although many people didn't know what/who he was, he had a great time trick or treating and hauled in a bit of candy.  after sorting through everything (I. has a severe peanut allergy, as well as a sensitivity to red dye) and check everything, he still had a huge amount he could snack on this year. 

i did however notice a few things this year which made halloween a little less exciting for me.  less and less people are celebrating (decorating and passing out candy), 85% of kids costumes have no creativity behind them.  maybe its my age, or maybe its just this area.  there's always next year though.  i have big expectations for next year though, haha.

for the month of november i have decided to participate in the NaNoWriMo (  i started writing my novel this morning and so far i am pretty excited with what i've come up with so far.  more to come on that later as well as a few photos from last night, as i didn't take nearly as many as i have in years past.

happy november!

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