Sunday, July 26, 2009

wake-up call.

Yesterday was the first time since I was pregnant with my son that my weight has drastically held me back. We made the voyage to Virginia Beach yesterday to attend the "Chalk the Walk" and Artsplosian festival on the Boardwalk.

We parked in a lot on 33rd St. and had to walk to 17th St. No biggie I thought. I love walking.

My body, however, did not appreciate that what-so-ever. I made it about 5 blocks and then the pain started. I wasn't walking at a fast pace, but I couldn't catch my breath. I found myself getting dizzy and feeling like I was going to vomit. So I took a minute and sat down. For the rest of the walk, I could walk maybe a block or two and then have to sit again. I was embarassed, sad and angry.

It didn't stop there. The walk back was worse. I couldn't even make it back to the car. 3 blocks left and I called it quits. I just couldn't do it.

My body just cannot handle this extra weight and now I know, I really need to get going.

I guess this was the wake-up call I needed.

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