a few weeks ago i came down with the worst case of pink eye i have ever encountered as it was making its way around the public schools and iain managed to bring it home with him. pair that with an awful sinus infection and cough and i was out of commission. and then this past weekend, iain got really sick. a fever of 102 was followed by a trip to urgent care the very next morning where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and an ear infection. so we have been battling that all week. poor kid! luckily the antibiotics seem to finally be kicking in and he is slowly back to his old crazy self.
with all the illnesses we've been battling, i totally fell of track with my writing for nanowrimo! i am totally disappointed, however, i think it was a great motivator to get me back into writing. i found the inspiration i really needed to finally get a good idea together for a book and even after november is over, i plan on continuing writing it and eventually sending it off to a publisher.
and today is thanksgiving. this will mark the fourth thanksgiving i have spent without my mom. later on this afternoon we will head down to virginia beach to spend the evening with R.'s family. and some other people i would rather not spend any time with, but i will have to suck it up and deal with it.
black friday....
this is the first year where i am actually really tempted to go out shopping before work. yes, i have to work tomorrow. thank you corporate america. but hey, atleast they gave me christmas eve and new years eve off this year, usually they have us work til about noon both days. anyway, like i was saying. shopping...tomorrow...i kind of want to go. sheets, pillows and other fun house stuff for super cheap, not to mention lots of toys and games for super cheap for the sidekick. the downside of all that is the traffic, the crazy people and well the crazy people in large crowds. this is something i am going to have to think long and hard about.
and finally this weekend, i will finally be hauling my butt to the movie theater to see the newest harry potter with a few of my favorite people and i couldn't be more excited. even the sidekick may join in on the fun.
so in the grand tradition of school essays, here is a list of things i am thankful for this year:
- the partner in crime.
- the side kick.
- an amazing group of friends. (if you're reading this you probably fit in with this group)
- an amazing family that has taken me in as one of their own.
- my real family - the few i stay in contact with.
- despite recent sickness, i am thankful we are all here to see another holiday season.
- chapstick.
- good lotion.
- flat irons.
- and coffee.
happy thanksgiving everyone! i'm off to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade.
I really. Love you Sheena :) and your thankful list - is quite on point (: I hope it's awesome and that we corretify this lack of seeing one another soon <3
i really love you too miss jessica! and who you telling!?
we definitely need to get together asap. my birfday is in t-minus 13 days!
did you see HP yet? we're going saturday, would you like to come up this way and meet up???
text me ho!
Yay, I read this so I made the cut, lol!!! Hope all is well. And don't feel bad, I had to work on Friday also.
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