i find myself more often than not daydreaming....about everything!
the past, the present, the future. the what-if's and what-not's, the could have beens and taking that left at the fork in the road.
maybe its a quarter-life crisis of some sort, but lately i feel as though time is passing me a lot quicker than it used to. when we were kids, we wanted nothing more than to be "grown up". and now that we're there, most of us realize maybe this whole "adult" thing isn't really what its all cracked up to be. don't get me wrong, it has its perks (no curfews, smoking fancy cigarettes, drinking over-priced beer and r-rated movies!).
i don't know if i mentioned it before but i am currently back in school, college to be exact. i started back at a local community college in the spring of 2009. originally i thought i'd try my hand at medical coding and billing so i could work from home. but i quickly discovered that profession was so far from what i wanted to do, i decided to go another route. so here i am a few semesters later, still trying to figure it out! i'm not sure if its indecisiveness or ADD, but i want to do it all! i guess i've always been like this. looking back, here's a list of careers i wanted to do (some of these are from childhood...duh!):
- madonna
- model
- singer
- actress
- ballerina
- special effects make-up artist
- photographer
- graphic designer (i actually went to school for this!)
- business owner
- tattoo artist
- piercer
- artist living in NYC
- clothing designer
- musician
- baker
- interior designer
- professional blogger!
- art teacher
obviously with my current position in the world of finance, i am far from my childhood dreams of growing up to be madonna. although i'm not so sure where i went off course with that one....
anyway! lets get some audience participation going!
so what about you!? what did you want to be when you grew up? and what do you do now?
"Professional animal trainer." I just quit my icky dead-end job of over a year to move and get a better career path going!
i'm still at that point in life where i'm so unsure of what i want to do. its like i have a.d.d. when it comes to making a decision haha.
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