Thursday, January 27, 2011


so i hear i have a pretty avid reader.  so hello WY! ;)

and now, for this weeks rad edition of TILT!

1.  string cheese.  yes.  string motherfuckin' cheese.  sometimes i feel like i could probably be a 6 year old, then again i do have one.  so i readily have these babies available at all times.  they're tasty, they're convienent and they're the perfect healthy snack.  i switch between brands pretty regularly, depending on whats on sale.

2.  the band:  edward sharped and the magnetic zeros.  the song:  home

3.  trashy reality tv shows....jersey shore...bad girls club....bridalplasty....oh i could go on and on haha i'm not really sure what or why i indulge in them..  but i do and i'm so not ashamed of it!

4.  hula hooping/hoop dancing.  granted, i am still trying to master this damn thing.  i know i will get it....someday!  there's just something about it that totally intrigues me. 

other stuff!
bananas, protein shakes, wawa subs (omg im huuuungry!), cashews & almonds, the way cold air smells.

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